Yuri Melnichek: Fireside Chat and Q&A 4 September 2024, 18:00 (Wednesday)

Yuri Melnichek: Fireside Chat and Q&A

by Dz Club
4 September 2024, 18:00 (Wednesday)
Start: 18:00
DZ CLUB #1. Yuri Melnichek. Fireside Chat and Q&A. Accelerating Startup Success with AI in an Era of Global Change: Navigating Expensive Money, Deglobalization, and Sanctions.

Expert: Yury Melnichek, tech entrepreneur, venture capitalist, founding investor in Vochi (acquired by Pinterest), founder of maps.me (acquired by Mail.Ru), AIMATTER (acquired by Google), Rainbow.ai, Doctorina, and the investment firm Melnichek.Investments (Gero, NaNotics, Daedalean).

Why it matters: The tech industry is facing unprecedented challenges. Traditional models, like outsourcing, need to rethink itself quickly to survive. Raising capital has become tougher worldwide, it’s even harder for founders from countries like Belarus. However, the rise of AI has made it easier and cheaper to build startups, as they often require less funding compared to traditional ventures.

What they're saying: Y. Melnichek: “Tech isn’t in a decline, but there are signs of crisis. Google, Facebook, and other tech giants are laying off employees. My friends at Google report that their productivity has doubled—today they can produce twice as much software. Over the next 10 years, output is expected to increase tenfold. The real question is, will demand grow to match this increased production? Do we need ten times more software products, and will consumption rise to meet this supply?”

IDC: "According to IDC forecasts, by 2026, more than 90% of organizations worldwide will feel the impact of the IT talent shortage, leading to losses of $5.5 billion due to product release delays, reduced competitiveness, and lost business."

The first DZ CLUB event we will explore several critical topics that are shaping the future of technology and innovation:

  • Expensive money: As capital becomes more costly, how can startups and established companies secure funding? What strategies are necessary to maintain growth in this high-interest environment?
  • Deglobalization: With the world moving away from globalization, what does this mean for the tech industry, particularly in Eastern Europe? Is it time to focus more on local markets? Is Poland still a good place to do business?
  • Sanctions: How it impacts global technology operations, and what strategies companies can use to mitigate risks.
  • The Future of Software Development as a Profession: Is the role of a software developer changing, or is it at risk of becoming outdated? How can developers stay relevant in a world increasingly dominated by AI?
  • Biotech: Will it become the next big thing after AI?
  • Building Startups with AI: Will English become a more popular programming language than Python?
  • Building Defensibility: In a market where AI models and products can be easily copied, how can you create a competitive advantage? What strategies can help you build a product that stands out and remains secure against larger competitors?
  • Monetizing AI: Is the potential to profit from AI only for giants like NVIDIA, Microsoft, and OpenAI, or can smaller players still find their own success in this field?

This event is designed for tech and digital professionals, decision-makers, business owners, startupers, who are passionate about understanding the forces shaping the industry.

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage directly with the speaker, making this not just an interview but an interactive, insightful discussion that will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the complex tech landscape of today and tomorrow.

Event sponsor SMAR GLOBAL
Contact SMAR GLOBAL if you need:
  • accounting, tax, and HR management in Poland, the USA, and Cyprus;
  • international business structuring;
  • consultations on taxes, cryptocurrency, and company registration.
Event partner Polish Language School POLSKI NA TAK gives everyone who buys a ticket a 15% discount on courses.
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Dz Club

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Dz Club

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